The Natiometer: From the Art of Measuring Nations to Quantum Technology.

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Based on the cyclical nature of social dynamics, a representation of the frequency of occurrence of a class of regularities, characterizing large human sets since the beginning of time, allowed our research team to build the space of phases of the phenomenon "nation", that is t

The Scientific Interest Group for a Technological Nation G.I.S.N.T, a center for scientific research and technological development, announces the founding of “Natiometry” as a scientific discipline and profession.

Natiometry, as its name suggests, refers to the metric of the nation phenomenon, that is to say the measurement or quantification of the nation phenomenon in all its states, with the aim of establishing a diagnosis in the event of anomalies or to determine a regime to improve the performance of the entire system.

The natiometry program focuses on the possibility of making the human and social sciences exact in the manner of physics and biology. They only achieved this after having succeeded in developing universal measuring instruments and systems that allowed visualization and quantification of their objects of study.

This is the case of the telescope with Galileo Galileo, who succeeded, thanks to this instrument, in verifying the observations of his predecessors, and in constructing a fair and verifiable cosmological system, thus allowing Isaac Newton to codify the fundamental laws of physics .

This is also the case of the microscope with Antonio Van Leeuwenhoek, having succeeded thanks to this tool in highlighting the existence of microorganisms invisible to the naked eye, which allowed Louis Pasteur to formulate the bases of microbiology , foundation of current medicine.

To cite only these two famous examples which opened the way to humanity for the exact knowledge of the infinitely small and the infinitely large, which allowed the mastery of space. it is towards the infinitely horizontal, the field of Anthropos, that we must now turn, in order to realize that of time.

It is a result of this nature that the team of scientists from the G.I.S.N.T technological research and development center has arrived at today in the field of human and social sciences. By exploring the infinitely horizontal, the field of Anthropos.

We are particularly keen on this delimitation that we have called “infinitely horizontal” to designate the field of research in the human and social sciences. This choice allowed us precisely to insert our research program into the universal paradigm of fundamental physics which delimits the field of scientific knowledge, in order to call to order any ideological drift, or libertarian temptation in the name of particularity of the human in relation to other objects of study of science.

Freedom, before it is a philosophical idea, it is a vital necessity, it can only be achieved in accordance with the laws of nature.

That said, we will now present our results :

Our research team has developed an instrument for diagnosing nations in real time and size, thanks to a modeling process appropriate to the complexity of the nation phenomenon as a meta-system, including the economic, social, cultural, etc.

A process which gave rise in 2014 to the formalization of a “scientific law on the evolution of Nations”, in terms of fundamental research results. On the basis of which, a process of developing a technological device capable of meeting the challenge of visualizing and quantifying the Nation phenomenon is underway.

Process which led in 2016 to the design of a quantum supercomputer dedicated to the diagnosis of nations. Technology that we have called the “Natiometer”, the invention is registered with the World Intellectual Property Organization under number PCT/IB2019/000707.

The problem that natiometry deals with concerns the real and global conditions of a nation, these cannot be sufficiently appreciated, without an exhaustive diagnosis, that unfortunately the fragmentation of the points of view of the human and social sciences and the disparity of the systems of measurement and investigation methods, further complicate the task, and in most cases lead to partial, and sometimes even contradictory, solutions.

In addition to the differences in languages and angles of view, there are disciplinary barriers, a provision that makes communication between scientists difficult, therefore :

The overall understanding of human phenomena eludes scientists themselves and remains inaccessible to the general public, which systematically causes a rupture between science and the people and seriously endangers our civilization.

The construction of a common language, the rapprochement of angles of view, interdisciplinary work, constitute in this situation, one of the major challenges that any initiative must take up in order to go beyond the status quo, and to consider, synchronized action of different scientific disciplines.

Faced with this challenge, a promising approach would consist of considering the nation phenomenon as being the meta-system in which all the other subsystems, objects studied by the human and social sciences, would find a receptacle and a universal object that can serve as a standard and repository, thus guaranteeing precise communication between different disciplines.

This allows for an overall understanding and mastery of all human and social phenomena, thanks to a better appreciation made possible by the judicious and precise cross-referencing of data of different natures intersected on several levels.

This approach offers a global and enriching experience, both for scientists and for the general public and professionals from all fields requiring an analysis of this type, in particular an analysis of the nation phenomenon.

It is with this in mind that the essential function of the Natiometer comes into play: allowing the different disciplines of the human and social sciences to gain in precision.

The innovative nature of the Natiometer lies in the calibration technique which we used to develop a universal metric system for the nation phenomenon. This calibration technique allows the referencing and cross-referencing of data of various natures which draw on the multiple dimensions of the “nation” phenomenon as an entity/system in its own right.

The system is expressed simultaneously on three orders of magnitude, which correspond to distinct physical environments, namely the anthropo-psychological order, the biological order and the physico-chemical order.

Therefore, the nation phenomenon is considered as a quantum system from a physics point of view, a living system from a biological point of view and the Homeland of the living and the dead from an anthropological point of view.

For us, it was a matter of developing a technical system based on what we describe as the nation's standard. This is formalized by the phase space of the nation phenomenon, which is used to parameterize the problem.

It is a system for taking instantaneous measurements over the entire domain of definition of the nation phenomenon, in its entirety. It is therefore through precise knowledge in mathematics, physics and biology, of course and essentially, the human and social sciences, for the ontological part, as well as in computer science and artificial intelligence for the technological part, that we we called on for the design of the Natiometer.

In order to understand the complexity and multi-dimensionality of the nation phenomenon with a view to carrying out an exhaustive diagnosis of the subject, we had to take on two challenges:

1- Coding of the phenomenon.

2- Creation of a device suitable for executing the diagnostic program, given the large volume of data and their various natures.

As for the codification (modeling) of the phenomenon, we translated what Gil DELANNOI describes as "equivocals of the nation" - the multiple dimensions of the nation phenomenon - into geometric terms, more precisely algebraic geometry in order to benefit from mathematical analysis methods.

This is how the dimensional analysis allowed us to develop the phase space of the Nation phenomenon and the functional analysis, to develop the process circuit to execute an instantaneous measurement operation on the phenomenon.

Dimensional analysis provides useful rules of proportionality. It makes it possible to specify the calibration of experimental models and to guide variation studies.

It also makes it possible to identify functional dependencies, it allows a better understanding of the phenomenon. It was therefore a question of finding a geometric form which could contain the multiplicity of dimensions of the nation phenomenon. This is how the equivocations of the nation were converted and formalized into a group of symmetries, in this case the Lie group E8..

Lie group E 8.

The configuration thus obtained presents a perfect correspondence with the cell division cycle, which allowed us to calibrate the model on this fundamental biological process.

Cell cycle and regulation by three checkpoints.
The nation phenomenon being at its core, a cellular organism, what could be better than a natural organism, the cell itself for the calibration of a measurement system on a living organism, in this case the nation.

It is with a set of quantum operators introduced on the vector space of the symmetry group that we modeled the mechanism of division, or transition, and obtained a formalization of the phase space of the nation phenomenon. And therefore a normative model.

The Algorithm resulting from this formalism is programmable in computer language so as to adapt to the use of different technological resources, necessary for the execution of functionalities adapted to each case and situation of use. Algorithm to which a process circuit with a special architecture and a set of software and utilities adapted to each case and situation of use have been adapted.

The calculation is carried out in real time by a supercomputer adapted for this purpose, which we have called the natiometer, a technical device which should materially carry out the following canonical exploration sequence :


The objective of the process is the development of scientific imaging of the entire nation system in real size and time and to deliver on screen images and graphic and digital indications relating to the vital functions which ensure the metabolism of a nation .

Thus, the skills, processes and protocols generated by this exercise will be brought together under the name "Natiometry", and will constitute a new profession, or even a new scientific discipline which will be formalized as the results are obtained.

We recall here the domain of definition of the Nation phenomenon: The nation is considered to be the global collective organism, which brings together in a single entity, a human community or several, as a large group, which is commonly referred to as a people : a human community having in common a territory, a history, an experience and a projection for the future.

Humanity is made up of nations, nations are forged by peoples, and people inhabit territories. Each territory has a story, every story gives rise to a memory and each memory forms a universe.

It is in this multiverse that we must now look for the universal, a value necessary for any act of measurement, since each universe corresponds to a reality, every reality implies a necessity, and necessity determines an attitude, a state of being spirit. Living together cannot be achieved in peace without a shared vision of the world, and who better than science can provide the standard ?

It is a question of the consecration of an essential achievement of human evolution: the sovereignty of reason. After the exploration of the infinitely small and the infinitely large, which allowed the mastery of space, it is towards the infinitely horizontal that we must now turn, in order to achieve that of time.

Why is this discovery major ?

The innovation of the Natiometer transcends the limits of technology to embrace an unprecedented philosophical and epistemological dimension, thus opening the way to a second Copernican revolution, particularly in the field of the human and social sciences. This invention offers a scientific and experimental basis to disciplines that are still too often anchored in the metaphysical and ideological domain, thus consecrating the sovereignty of reason, a principle dear to the philosophy of the Enlightenment.

What you must remember :

1- Cyclic Vision of Social Dynamics : By adopting a cyclical perspective of social dynamics, our research team has revealed a fundamental framework, a sort of regular pulsation which governs large human groups like a clock. This view provides clarity on the recurring patterns that have influenced nations over time, thereby transcending historical particularities to reveal an underlying structure.

2- Construction of the Phase Space : The construction of the phase space of the “nation” phenomenon represents a major intellectual feat. It makes it possible to comprehensively visualize and model the different facets of the development of nations. This approach created a unique graphical representation, providing a visual framework for understanding the multiple dimensions of the evolution of nations.

3- Determination of Physical Law : The true revolution of our discovery lies in the determination of the physical law which governs the evolution of nations. By identifying the fundamental forces that drive these dynamics, we have brought a dimension of predictability and deep understanding to a phenomenon often considered complex and unpredictable.

4- Implications for the Humanities and Social Sciences : This discovery has profound implications for the humanities and social sciences. It offers a solid theoretical basis for understanding the mechanisms underlying the evolution of nations, thus opening new perspectives for researchers, historians, and policy makers.

In short, our discovery represents a major advance in the field of understanding human societies. By revealing the logic of evolution specific to the "nation" phenomenon and by identifying the physical law which governs it, we contribute significantly to the establishment of a scientific basis for understanding and interpreting the past, the present, and potentially the future of large national entities.

Consequently, the Natiometer becomes a tool which, by materializing the sovereignty of reason, would allow the effective realization of the dream of free peoples :

“Government of the people, by the people and for the people”.

This vision, inscribed in democratic ideals, finally finds realization thanks to the scientificity and objectivity provided by the Natiometer, promising a new era where political decisions can be informed by factual data and precise analyses, and where the will of the people finds true expression in the governance of their own destiny. The Natiometer, as a catalyst for this achievement, stands out as a fundamental pillar for building an enlightened, democratic and just society.

Amirouche LAMRANI and Ania BENADJAOUD.

Researchers associated with GISNT.

-Read report of the research program :
